Monday, 26 January 2015

Structured Warrant Statistics (Dec 14)

For an explanation of the statistics, please click here.
For the statistics of the last quarter, please click here.

No. of Structured Warrants

No. of Structured Warrants (Dec 14)

% Puts

% Structured Warrants as Puts (Dec 14)

See related blog posts:

Sunday, 11 January 2015

REIT Yield Statistics (Dec 14)

For an explanation of the statistics, please click here.
For the statistics of the last month, please click here.

Median REIT Yield Movement

Median REIT Yield Movement (Dec 14)

Cumulative Median REIT Yield Distribution

Cumulative REIT Yield Distribution (Dec 14)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

SGS Yield Statistics (Dec 14)

For an explanation of the statistics, please click here.
For the statistics of the last month, please click here.

Cumulative Interest Rate Distribution

Cumulative Interest Rate Distribution (Dec 14)

Interest Rate Movement

Interest Rate Movement (Dec 14)